The Write Things Newsletter

Every week, I share ideas on the writer's mindset, creativity, and the writing process. Regain the self-belief and trust in your own creative gifts.Ā 

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No spam. Just ideas and inspiration to help youĀ create the stories you are here to tell.

I share emails on upcoming offerings to support you with your stories which you'll have to the option to unsubscribe from at any time.

All Newsletters

Read past issues of the Write Things Newsletter.Ā 

Write Things: On crafting a captivating story engagement writing process Sep 26, 2024


My fall writing groups are in full swing, and a lot of imagery is finding its way onto my physical and virtual tables, sparking some great conversations about how readers get hooked on a story.

This newsletter comes after some reflection.

Idea: On Process

A good book is...

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Write Things: On prioritizing your writing people pleasing perfectionism writing process Sep 19, 2024



I regularly read and hear exceptional stories from writers. But for many of the writers I work with, these stories only come to life when they’re part of a writing group.


Here’s why—and no, the answer has nothing to do with me.



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Write Things: On the power of the stories we tell ourselves mindset Sep 12, 2024

Hello writers,

I'm going to share with you one of the most important ideas I can. 

Here it is. 

Idea: On mindset

As writers, each of you are uniquely equipped to make your dreams come true.

In order to do so, you must first be conscious of this ability. 


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Write Things: On writing for your biggest fan writing process Sep 05, 2024

Hello writers! 

It's Thursday and I wanted to share a thought on the writing process. 

Observant readers will also notice that I've landed on "Write Things" for a title. Thanks to everyone for your feedback. 

On to today's idea!

Idea: On the writing process


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Write Things: On 'telling' the first draft of your story revision writing process Aug 29, 2024

It's Thursday and I've got an idea, inspiration, and an invitation for you.

Idea: On Revision

I urge writers to consider the first draft of their story complete after they've written it and revised it.

Some of you may have heard a similar version of this advice...

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Write Things: On sources of creative inspiration creativity inspiration Aug 22, 2024

It's Thursday!

Summer is winding down here and I'm already feeling called to slow things down and slip more deeply into my writing. 

This week, I wanted to share some thoughts on how and where we can find inspiration to create. 

I hope you enjoy it.

Idea: On...

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Write Things: On releasing the reins on your first draft writing process Aug 15, 2024

Greetings writers!

This week's idea was inspired by an interesting journey that one of my 1:1 clients took with her story. 

Idea: On the writing process

Have you ever been writing your story when, all of a sudden, your character does or says something unexpected? Do you...

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Write Things: On the perfect story vs. the next story mindset perfectionism procrastination Aug 08, 2024

3 Thoughts on Mindset:

1. Many writers I work with believe, on some level, that the reception of their first book or work will define their future success and self-worth as an author, causing them to set near-impossible expectations for the quality of the writing and story. ...

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